このページでは、よくあるご質問についてまとめてあります。各質問をクリックすると回答が表示されますのでご覧ください。 びびなびをご利用の際に、何か困ったこと、わからないことがございましたら、まずはこちらをご確認いただき、該当する質問やその答えがなかった場合は、 ユーザサポートまでお問い合わせください。
- 关于用户登录
Please re-send user registration email.
I would like to delete my user account.
Why should I log-in as user?
How can I activate my account?
When I attempt User Registration, an error says that this email address has been already registered.
I cannot log-in to my account.
I'm automatically logged-in when I access Vivinavi. How can I delete my history?
I forgot log-in password.
How to keep me logged-in?
Can I make post without user registration?
- 关于用户面板
What is Seed?
What is User Panel?
What is Fan?
How can I select language, time zone, currency, and so on?
What are Contents for Fan?
How can I block a user?
What is Map Setting?
What file types are supported by Vivinavi?
I would like to change my username.
What is the differences between Resume and Application Package?
- 关于转发邮件
- 关于发布内容
I would like to change or delete my post/comment.
When will my post be published?
How can I mark "SOLD OUT"?
Though I changed my email address, I'm still receiving emails at the previous email address.
My post was made pending. When will it be published?
Though I entered a correct password, I still cannot change my post.
I cannot delete a topic on Discussion Board.
I would like to Report Violation on a post/comment.
Please let me know what word was detected by Word Restriction?
What is Scheduled Post?
Where can I find information or my post?
I cannot delete a comment on Discussion Board.
How long will my post be published?
I deleted my post, but it's still found in search engines (ex. Google).
I cannot go to next step when I'm making post.
Do you have a copy of my deleted or expired post?
How can I add or reduce item on Personal Buy & Sell?
My posts are still published after deleting my account.
I deleted my post, but it is still displayed.
Error is shown on [Area] page when I'm posting.
I cannot upload image or video.
How can I make post?
I would like to add a YouTube video (or other external media) to my post.
- 关于工作申请
- 其他问题
I got into a trouble with another user.
Is Vivinavi a free or paid service?
I would like to place advertisement on Vivinavi.
Will my access information be kept secret?
Is there Vivinavi app?
Do you have information packet for users?
What is Classified Listing Service (CLS)?
I would like to subscribe Vivinavi's sales and promotion emails (campaign, discounts, etc.). / How to unsubscribe emails from Vivinavi?
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 竹久夢二のふるさと岡山にある美術館、夢二郷土美術館。
夢二鄉土廳本館は、岡山の名所、後楽園近くに1984 ( 昭和59 ) 年竹久夢二生誕100年を記念して開館しました。一部は白壁になまこ壁、一部は赤レンガ造り、三角の屋根の上には風見鶏がたつ和洋の調和が魅力のな本館の建物は、夢二が活躍した大正時代の風情を伝えています。 ここの本館には、夢二の描いた、掛け軸、屏風、版画、油彩画、水彩画、スケッチや、夢二が書いた本やデザインした本 ・ 楽譜の表紙、手紙...
(086) 271-1000本館: 両備文化振興財団 夢二郷土美術館
- 本节介绍了班野哲二郎的成就,他被认为是邮政中世纪的恩人。
(086) 294-5851坂野記念館
- 参观位于 "日本脐带公园 "的西胁冈山艺术博物馆。
西胁市冈山美术馆位于 "日本之脐公园",位于界定日本标准时间的东经135度线和从北到南横穿日本中心的北纬35度线的交汇处。这座建筑由矶崎新(Arata Isozaki)于1984年6月设计,于1984年10月开放。
(0795) 23-6223西脇市岡之山美術館